Wadi Makkah Venture

About the Company
Is a limited liability company wholly owned by Wadi Makkah Technology Company owned by Umm Al Qura University. It was established by the Board of Directors on 15-6-1436H with a capital of SR 12 million. It has a bold investment fund, provides training, incubation and business acceleration services
Investing in smart solutions and Hajj and Umrah techniques to improve Hajj Al Umrah experience
To be the world’s leading technical arena for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in Hajj and Umrah techniques
Company Services
Management of bold capital fund investments (investment in start-up companies)
Establishment and operation of incubators and business accelerators
Management and operation of common premises
Training, software development and management of modeling laboratories
Information systems and technology services
Management and organization of events, conferences and exhibitions
Establishment and operation of incubators and business accelerators
Management and operation of common premises
Training, software development and management of modeling laboratories
Information systems and technology services
Management and organization of events, conferences and exhibitions