Wadi Makkah Real Estate

About the company

Is a subsidiary of Wadi Makkah Technology Company, established by the Board of Directors on 16 Jumada Thani 1435H. Which aims to attract developers and real estate investors to develop the assets of Umm Al-Qura University and the assets granted to Wadi Makkah in order to diversify and increase the sources of income and improve the university lifestyle and the environment conducive to creativity and entrepreneurship


Optimize investment in land and property by developing resources and enhancing our role in building a knowledge society and economy


To be the pioneers in creating the potential entrepreneurial environment for creativity and innovation to achieve economic growth and enrich local content

Company Services

Property management
     We seek to create a stimulating environment for creativity and entrepreneurship and to attract quality investments that enrich the quality of life and the business environment, with the aim of contributing to increasing revenues and diversifying sources of income
Managing buildings and common spaces (spacetime)
Managing the portfolio of real estate assets from the university’s lands and properties
Urban development
     In urban design and development, we are keen to apply the concepts of smart buildings and the Internet of Things to contribute to improving the quality of life in Saudi cities
Smart Building Systems
Development investment
      We select investment opportunities in quality projects that enrich the quality of life and work environment and achieve sustainable financial returns
Investment Opportunities

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